Adrenal Tonic

Used to help one adapt to stress, for nervous exhaustion, burn-out, and mental and emotional fatigue.  May support adrenal function helping to increase coping abilities, brain function, and alertness.

Anxia-T Ease Tincture

May help to calm anxiety, stress and nervousness.  Results can be felt within minutes. Ok for use by anyone.

Anxiousness, Mood, and Stress

There are various and very individual reasons for feeling blue, experiencing stress, emotional struggles, and anxiousness.  Some are more "world-oriented", meaning that living in this day and age is just downright too fast, too stressful and very nerve-wracking, which can lead to these feelings.  Other reasons can be more personal and individual in nature.  As someone who has benefited greatly from therapy, this is what I of course would recommend first and foremost, but there are also herbal allies that can effectively help support you and your nervous system.

Chamomile Tea

This herb is great for alleviating tummy upset, nervous upset, emotional upset, stress, restlessness and sleeplessness. It has pain relieving properties and is helpful for colicky and teething babies.

Flower Essences (and Rescue Remedy)

In the late 1920's, Dr. Edward Bach, a renowned British scientist and physician, observed that his patients' healing and well-being were directly influenced by their state of mind and emotional health. He noticed that the personality, attitude and present outlook of a patient had a great deal to do with their being cured or remaining sick. He understood that "the personality of the individual is of even more importance than the body in the treatment of disease". He realized that, instead of treating the patient as a body with an illness, the patient needed to be treated like an individual. "Treat the patient, not the disease."

Relax Tincture

 An herbal combination used to calm, soothe and relax the entire body and mind.

Rescue Remedy

A flower essence combination used to ease stress, anxiety, panic attack, trauma, or fear. Helps to balance the emotions.

Rescue Remedy List & Descriptions

The following Flower Essences are included in the Rescue Remedy combination.   The following is a list of each of their meanings and how they can be of help to you:

Sleep Remedies - Natural Herbal Solutions for Sleep, Relaxation, Anxiety & Insomnia

Learn about natural solutions and herbal sleep remedies for relaxation, stress-relief, anxiety-relief, depression and insomnia.


A friend introduced me to this herbal line during my second trimester, I started using Pregnancy Tea Plus Tincture during the last six weeks of my pregnancy. I used the Labor Tincture at the hospital.  I got to the hospital at 1:30am, and was 3cm. My baby was born at 4:30am. I credit the tinctures for helping to move things along. The After Birthing Ease Tincture helped with those uterine contractions that happen after birth (baby number 4 so they were intense).  I’ve been using Blessed Thistle Tincture to help with milk production. I use the Rescue Remedy for me and my kids. I swear by these products!!!  H.N.J.