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Pam Caldwell

I strongly recommend Herb Lore's herbs, especially their Labor Tincture.  I have seen it work many times when other things have not, and I can highly recommend it over and above anything else.  I also live in the same community as Herb Lore, and I have been to their facility.  They use only organic herbs and the best and highest quality.  I have been impressed with Pam Caldwell's (Herb Lore's founder, company herbalist and creator of the Herb Lore line) knowledge of herbs and pregnancy and lactation, and have used their products to help with all sorts of problems that women in their childbearing years have.  Most midwives know a bit about herbs, but Pam's knowledge is far greater, and because of that, has created a highly effective line of herbal products.  I highly recommend using Herb Lore's products and their information as a valuable resource for anyone.  I also think anyone who uses their herbs, especially the Labor Tincture, will not go back to any of the alternatives. 
Alison Osborn, LM, CPM, Grass Valley, CA