
Fenugreek: A great herb for increasing milk production, but you need to know how to use it correctly!

Fenugreek Seed is one of the most well-known and effective herbs used to increase breastmilk production, BUT there are some things you need to know when using it.

Moringa Info

Moringa is a fast-growing tree native to South Asia and now found all throughout the tropics.  It's also known as Mulunggay, or the Miracle Tree, as it is so high in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and essential amino acids.  It's well-known and highly regarded for its ability to increase breastmilk production in nursing mothers.  It has:

Nursing Tea Moringa Blend & Nursing Tincture Moringa Blend

This is a great tasting herbal combination formulated specifically to increase and enrich breastmilk production in nursing mothers. (The tea and the tincture are made from the same combination of herbs - it's just two different ways of taking it.)  This combination not only helps increase breastmilk production, but has the additional benefits of helping to alleviate and dispel gas, indigestion and colic in the baby and mother, as well as helping the mother's uterus to regain its normal shape and size after birth. The product is extremely high in vitamins, minerals, iron, protein, essential amino acids, and antioxidants. Many mothers of twins have used this product and nothing else, and successfully made enough breastmilk to feed both babies. Because its such a gentle (yet effective) product, its the one most recommended for mothers of newborns, for babies with sensitive tummies, those who tend towards gassiness, or those in need of extra nutrition.

Shatavari - for Women

Shatavari, also known as wild asparagus, is an Ayurvedic herb used for centuries for many issues, including as a reproductive tonic for both men and women, as a digestive soother, and an herb that helps one adapt and cope with stress.  It is rich in antioxidants and helps to promote healthy energy levels and strength. 


After being in prodromal labor off and on for weeks while facing an upcoming induction, I decided to try the Labor Tincture. I was hoping to have a VBAC, and induction sounded daunting. Within 30 minutes of taking the tincture, my inconsistent contractions & prodromal labor kicked over to active labor - my contractions were so consistent and productive - and I had my ideal birth 6 hours later! The baby appeared perfect on the monitor the entire time & my contractions were stellar & consistent without any Pitocin! I highly recommend this product. Thank you Pam for making such incredible products & caring so much about your customers!  I am telling everyone I know!  L.O.