Ease the Quease Tincture

The 1oz NON-ALCOHOL tincture still has the old name of Nausea Ease Tincture on the product label and we need to clear these out.  Therefore it's on clearance at 30% off under the coupon code CLEARANCE  (This sale does not apply to wholesale customers.)  

Helps to relieve morning sickness, travel sickness, or any type of nausea. Specifically created for use by pregnant women.

Ease the Quease Tincture (formerly Nausea Ease Tincture)

Ease the Quease Tincture (formerly Nausea Ease Tincture) was formulated specifically for morning sickness in pregnant mothers, but is helpful for any type of nausea, including travel sickness.

Iron Tonic Tincture

Helps support healthy blood levels and may help with anemic-type situations without causing constipation like a pharmaceutical iron supplement would.

Itch Soother Tincture

Helps alleviate itching, including pregnancy and postpartum itching of the skin.

Nursing Mother's Liver Tonic

These herbs have traditionally and successfully been used as gentle liver cleansers, and are all safe for use while breastfeeding.

Pregnant Mother's Liver Tonic

Gently helps detox the liver. Formulated specifically for pregnant and trying-to-become pregnant mothers. May help prevent morning sickness, especially when used prior to conception.


Another Herb Lore product I am impressed with is the Healing Salve. I have used it on my daughter's diaper rashes it works very fast. I would highly recommend it to all mothers. This product is a very useful tool that works very well. T.S.