Adrenal Tonic

Used to help one adapt to stress, for nervous exhaustion, burn-out, and mental and emotional fatigue.  May support adrenal function helping to increase coping abilities, brain function, and alertness.

Anxiousness, Mood, and Stress

There are various and very individual reasons for feeling blue, experiencing stress, emotional struggles, and anxiousness.  Some are more "world-oriented", meaning that living in this day and age is just downright too fast, too stressful and very nerve-wracking, which can lead to these feelings.  Other reasons can be more personal and individual in nature.  As someone who has benefited greatly from therapy, this is what I of course would recommend first and foremost, but there are also herbal allies that can effectively help support you and your nervous system.


Hi Pam. I am a midwife and I use the Labor Tincture.  It SO ROCKS!!   I have a friend who has trouble sleeping..... she says her own thinking keeps her awake.... do you have an herbal sleep helper?  I told her I would ask you because I was SO HAPPY with the Labor Tincture that you make.  Thank you for your herbal skills!  (Yes, we do!  Goodnight Tincture and Goodnight Lite!)  S.S.,  LM, CPM