
Ayurveda is the traditional natural healing system of India, dating back over 5,000 years.  An ancient Sanskrit word, Ayurveda literally means “the science of life”.  Ayurveda is the sister science of Yoga: it is the healing side of Yoga, while Yoga is the philosophical/spiritual side of Ayurveda.  Together, Yoga and Ayurveda provide a complete, holistic approach to physical well-being and emotional balance.  In the simplest terms, Ayurveda views health and disease as the end result of how we interact with our environment.  Harmonious interactions lead to health, while dis-harmonious interactions lead to dis-ease.

Ayurveda is based on the theory that all of nature is created of five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether.  In our bodies, these five elements combine in various proportions and present as three forces, or doshas.  The balance of the doshas is unique in each individual and defines who we are.

The three doshas and their corresponding elements are:

  • Vata (air and ether)
  • Pitta (fire)
  • Kapha (water and earth)

Our individual biological existence is a balance of the three doshas (and thus the five elements), and this balance is called our constitution.  By understanding an individual’s constitution, we can determine where imbalances are occurring, and then apply the principles of Ayurveda to journey to optimal health.  This is done by bringing the elements into balance through proper diet, proper lifestyle, Yoga, meditation, body, sound, color, and aroma therapies, and herbal remedies.

For example, if one has symptoms of excessive dryness (vata), we correct this imbalance with moisture: in foods, herbs, and lifestyle practices. With symptoms of excess heat (pitta): cooling foods and practices; and with excess earth and water (kapha): we add lightness and dryness to our routines.

For more information about Ayurvedic healing, contact Shakti Smith:
(530) 615-6115


I received my order for Nursing Tea Moringa Blend last week and just wanted to thank you and let you know I think it's great. My friend gave me a bag to try since I'm back at work and challenged to pump enough to keep up with my hungry baby daughter. The tea really helps! It took me a while to figure out how to drink it consistently and conveniently. I concluded making a batch ahead of time, refrigerating it and bringing it to work in a water bottle that I swig from throughout the day is the easiest.  If I don't or can't drink it, I notice my output goes down.  When I was running low on the tea and didn't have a chance to order more yet, I bought a box of (another company's) nursing tea and a box of (yet another company's) nursing teas to tied me over. Neither seemed to help at all. My production went way down. I had 2, maybe 3 cups of them a day, but I didn't think the difference in output would be that great. Anyway, I have Herb Lore's tea again now, and all is well!  C.K.