
Anti-Histimines and breast milk production

Spring is the time of allergies for many, breastfeeding moms included. The common approach is to take an anti-histimine to help alleviate your suffering. You may not know, however, that these antihistimines can also decrease or dry up breastmilk!  These medications are made to dry up secretions and fluids - it will not differentiate between the different body fluids and will commonly decrease breastmilk production.  So keep this in mind if you're thinking of resorting to those anti-histimines!


When I was pregnant with my 7 year old, I used Floradix and it worked, but I had to take it more times and for longer. When I was pregnant with my twins 3-1/2 years ago, I took the Iron Tonic Tincture instead, and I felt better faster. I gave it to my boy twin when he was 1, and to his older brother who at the time was 5.  Two years later, I'm ready to give it to my 7 yr old knowing how effective it was with him. It is the most efficient iron supplement I've ever used!  F. E.