
Itching During Pregnancy (PUPPS)

We frequently get clients who are pregnant and are experiencing itchiness.  This is more than just your average itchiness from stretching or dry skin – it can be extreme and really awful to experience.  It’s called PUPPS or cholestasis.  Along with the terrible itching, symptoms can also include brown/dark yellow urine (like beer), light-colored stool, bloodwork showing high liver enzymes, and high bile acid.  We have had tremendous success with our clients using liver herbs. (I have created a product specifically for this called

Itch Relief Tincture.)

Relief doesn’t come immediately, but after a few days of use, clients have reported that it gets better and better each day.  Much better.  I had a client in Texas, pregnant with twins, who had one of the most extreme cases I’d ever come across.  They were threatening to induce her twins early as they were very worried about their well-being as well as the well-being of the mother.  She started on the Itch Relief Tincture, and she began to respond very quickly.  She improved so much that they cancelled the induction and she went on to carry her babies nearly to term (labor started on its own, in its own perfect time) and she had the beautiful Birth Center birth that she wanted!  Mom and both babies were all completely healthy and fine!

Now that makes my day!


Rescue Remedy - A remedy for every home with small children.  When my 2 year old recently got a cold with high fever and fever blisters in his mouth, I used the Rescue Remedy on him. He would have tantrum-like behavior due to the pain in his mouth and it was very hard to calm him down. The Rescue Remedy really, really, really helped. Always keep it at home, you never know when you need it!  K.J.